• ISO 9001;
  • ISO 3834-2;
  • ISO 14001;
  • ISO 45001;





Alcohol, drugs and substances are the materials that the community and the law are warning not to use due to their bad consequence for health and human develppment, therefore

AlphaECC operates a strict alcohol, drugs and substance policy that all personnel must comply with:

  1. Any person found under the influence or in the possession of such products during working or even not (with drugs) will be removed from site and disciplinary proceedings may follow.
  2. Drugs taken for medical use must be reported to management accompanied by medical prescription.
  3. Alcohol substances are strictly prohibited before and during the working time.
  4. Severe penalties will be imposed on those persons involved in the sceening of known violations to the company alcohol, drugs and substance policy.
  5. It is the responsibility of all employees to report any known or suspected cases of drug abuse to management or authorities.

 Alcohol, drugs and substances Policy



AlphaECC is certified by  Bureau Veritas to conform to the ISO 9001:2000 standard. AlphaECC has built an internal quality management system designed to maximize the cost effectiveness while maintaining the quality every job.

The QC department has played a major part in ensuring projects meet the clients’ expectations in terms of quality. Through extensive training our QC staff ensures high quality of work through all phases of production. This includes materials purchasing, fabrication, welding, installation, painting, building and all related documentation.

Thanks to the QA & QC departments, AlphaECC prides itself on being able to complete work on schedule and of the quality expected by international companies



Excellence in occupational health, safety andenvironmental standards is an essential part of achieving efficient profitability in industrial business. Alpha ECC will therefore work at continuous improvement in these areas and will be guided by following principles:

Provides Safe and Health Operations

Alpha ECC Will strive to create a working environment where accidents will not occur and in wich employees, contracors and the public are not exposed to health hazards. Employees and contractors and the public are not exposed to health hazards. Employees and contractors will be trained in workplace health, safety and encouraged to adopt a healthy lifestyle.

Continuous Improvement of the Company's Environmental Performance:

Alpha ECC Will protect the environment by working to minimize the impact of it's activities. The Company will strive for continuous improvement in enviromental performance throught effective project planning and implemetation, emission reduction and waste minimization, carefull waste management, and energy conversation.

Respect the Interests of neighbours and Other stakeholders:

Alpha ECC Will communicate openly with those who and work in the vicinity of it's facilities to ensure their clear understanding of Company operations and the Company's understanding of their concerns. Alpha ECC will participate actively with givernments and the public resolving health, safety and environmental issues associated with the Company's development plans and operations. Alpha ECC will ensure that internal programs and planing processes fully support this policy. Health, safety and environmental performance will be monitored regulary and reported to the Board of Directors of the Company. Occupational health, safety and enviromental protection are responsibilities shared by every Alpha employee.

 HSE Policy